Qora Documentation NAV Navbar
  • About Qora
  • Getting Started
  • Installation
  • Settings
  • Wallet
  • Accounts
  • Seed
  • Payments
  • Messages
  • Naming service
  • Polls
  • Assets
  • Arbitrary Transactions
  • Automated Transactions
  • Atomic Cross-Chain Transfers
  • Qora Web
  • Tools
  • Help
  • FAQ
  • Developers
  • About Qora

    Qora is a community-based cryptocurrency network. The emphasis is on community services like blogs, websites, etc. based on blockchain technology.

    Source Code

    Qora source code is hosted by

    External Resources

    Take a look at the

    Getting Started


    Windows Wallet

    1. Download the latest Windows installer from github:

    2. Run the installer and follow the instructions.

    3. If installation is successful then you should have a Qora desktop icon and entries in your Windows menu.

    Universal Wallet

    1. Make sure you have at least Java v8 installed. or

    2. Download the latest Qora Zipfile from github:

    3. Once the file is downloaded, unzip it and it will make a Qora folder. You can move the Qora folder to wherever you like i.e. desktop, home directory etc.

    4. Inside the Qora folder there will be a run.sh file you can double-click. Make sure you have the right permissions set to execute the file, right click on run.sh, choose "Properties" from the menu, go to the "Permissions" tab, in the "Execute" field make sure it reads "Only owner and group" and apply changes if needed.

    5. Alternatively you can open a command prompt or shell window, change directory to the Qora folder and type:




    Most users will leave this enabled so they can access their wallets. Only people running a headless, high-availability node might consider disabling the GUI.

    Enabling RPC allows your Qora client to process API calls via the specified port using HTTP. Some of the built-in web pages use API calls, e.g. block explorer, name storage, anything wallet-related. For these to work you need to have RPC enabled. To restrict API callers, take a look at Access Permissions.

    Enabling WEB allows you to access the Qora network/blockchain/features using your web browser, which might be easier and more feature-rich than the Qora client's GUI. To restrict access, take a look at Access Permissions.

    Known Peers

    This is a list of peer IP addresses known to your Qora client, along with a tick-box to show if you're connected to them. You can add new peer IP addresses using the input box below then clicking "Add". To remove an address, right-click on the address and select "Delete address".

    Access Permission

    These are two lists of IP addresses that can connect to the RPC and WEB ports of your Qora client (if enabled). You can add IP addresses using the input box below then clicking "Add". To remove an address, right-click on the address and select "Delete address".


    When you click "Apply" your settings.json file will be rewritten to reflect the new settings.


    Start the application

    Create a Wallet

    Recover wallet from seed

    Lock your wallet

    Unlock your wallet


    Create account

    Delete account

    Import account from seed


    Retrieve wallet's seed

    To retrieve the seed of your wallet you first need to have your wallet unlocked in order to be able to get the seed.
    Open the console and type the below command :

    GET wallet/seed

    The above command will return the 32-byte long base58-encoded wallet seed.

    You can also made the above API request by simply visiting the below URL while RCP is enabled.

    HTTP Request

    If you have encountered an error while making the above request, the exact error code will be displayed.Below is the errors list.


    Error Description
    201 Wallet does not exist.
    203 Wallet is locked.

    Retrieve account's seed

    You can retrieve the seed of a specific address that exists in your wallet.
    To retrieve the seed of your addres you first need to have your wallet unlocked in order to be able to get the seed.
    Open the console and type the below command :

    GET addresses/seed/{address}

    The above command will return the 32-byte long base58-encoded seed of the given address.

    You can also made the above API request by simply visiting the below URL while RCP is enabled.

    HTTP Request

    If you have encountered an error while making the above request, the exact error code will be displayed.Below is the errors list.


    Error Description
    102 Invalid address.
    201 Wallet does not exist.
    202 Address does not exist in wallet.
    203 Wallet is locked.

    Generate a seed

    You can generate a random base58 encoded seed with a simple API request.
    Open the console and type the below command :

    GET seed

    The above command will return a base58 encoded random seed of 32 bytes.These seeds can be used to create a wallet or to import an account.
    Use the optional parameter length to request a seed of {length} bytes.

    GET seed/{length}

    You can also made the above API request by simply visiting the below URL while RCP is enabled.

    HTTP Request


    Send Payment

    Send Name Payment

    Send payment within a message

    Send multi payment


    Send message

    Encrypt message

    Decrypt message

    Sign a message

    Verify message

    Naming service

    Register a name

    1. Using your Qora client, first click on the "Naming Service" tab.
    2. Next click on "Register" button. This should open a new window.
    3. Select the Qora account that should own, and pay for, your new name from the drop-down list.
    4. Type in your chosen name in the "Name" box. As you type the "Name Details" box below will inform you if your name has already been taken or not.
    5. For first time use, you can ignore the "Key" and "Value" fields - or delete the "defaultkey" that is made for you using the "Remove" button.
    6. Click the "Register" button and your name registration request transaction will be submitted to the Qora network for confirmation.

    You will know when your new name is ready to use when the "Confirmed" tick-box is ticked.

    Update name

    1. Using your Qora client, first click on the "Naming Service" tab.
    2. Right-click on a name and select "Update" from the pop-up menu. This should open a new window.
    3. In this new window you can change the owner (make sure you get the address correct) or add/remove key-value pairs associated with the name using the "Add" and "Remove" buttons.
      • To add a key-value pair, enter the key and value in the respective input boxes then click "Add"
      • To remove a key-value pair, single-click the pair in the list to highlight it then click "Remove"

    Note that altering the data storage associated with a name is done via

    Transfer name


    Buy a name

    Sell Name

    Cancel sell name



    Create a poll


    View Asset details

    Add to Favorites

    Open Pair

    Buy asset

    Sell asset

    Place a buy order

    Cancel a buy order

    Place a sell order

    Cancel a sell order

    Issue asset

    Transfer asset

    Send multi payment

    Arbitrary Transactions

    Arbitrary transactions is a Qora feature that allows storage on the blockchain.
    The data of the arbitrary transaction must be base58 encoded and must be between 1-4000 bytes.

    Send arbitrary transaction

    To create an arbitrary transaction, open the console and then send your Command.

    Below you will see an example command.

    POST arbitrarytransacions {"creator": "QNbA69dbnmwqJHLQeS9v63hSLZXXGkmtC6", "data":"4GFHMAo9fmbUq7usopgntwUfAiLtpL98K6QCosAJsqQmY95tfd5KoUaKu34v6Qwp7RtYEhobCx7LVi7aYbbtpzfA","service": 555,"fee": "1.00001"}

    Returns the transaction in JSON when successful.

    If you have encountered an error while making the arbitrary transaction, console will display the error code. Below is the errors list.


    Error Description
    1 Json error.
    2 Not enough balance.
    3 Not yet released.
    102 Invalid address.
    105 Invalid fee.
    115 Invalid data.
    116 Invalid data length.
    201 Wallet does not exist.
    202 Address does not exist in wallet.
    203 Wallet is locked.

    Load arbitrary transaction

    To load an arbitrary transaction, open the console and then send your Command.

    Below you will see an example command.

    POST transactions/scan {"type":10,"creator":"QNbA69dbnmwqJHLQeS9v63hSLZXXGkmtC6"}

    Returns all the arbitrary transactions made by the given creator.

    Automated Transactions

    Deploy AT

    To deploy an AT (smart contract) go to the AT tab and click Deploy AT.

    Enter the values accordingly on each field and click deploy.

    Atomic Cross-Chain Transfers

    Initiate ACCT

    Response ACCT

    Qora Web

    Web Server

    The built-in web server can be accessed by either:

    Browse the web

    You can view blockchain-stored websites by going to the .

    Deploy a website

    First of all, you'll need a registered name. If you don't have one already, please see Registering a name. To create/edit your name's website use the

    1. First pick which name's website you want to create/edit from the drop-down list.
    2. Make sure the "key" field is left blank (or explicitly use the key "website").
    3. Create/edit your website either using the "data" field and its built-in Visual Editor OR upload the data from a file on your computer using the "BROWSE" button. (This will overwrite the contents of the "data" field).
    4. Click "Submit" to submit your website to the Qora network for confirmation!

    Note that the fee charged depends on how much data you store (i.e. the size of your website). Make sure you have enough balance!


    Here you can find a list of tools

    Block Explorer

    is an online Qora block chain browser which displays the contents of individual blocks, transactions, transaction histories, balances of addresses, unconfirmed transactions, assets, polls and many statistics.It's written and operated by agran and it's the official Qora block explorer.

    Blogging Service

    Official blogging service of Qora has been created by agran. You can view the or find individual blogs using the . This service uses the arbitrary transactions feature of Qora to serve a socialized blogging suite. To create a new blog post click the new blog entry icon at the top of the .



    VanitygenQora is a command-line vanity Qora address generator created by agran.
    You can find the latest version here :

    HTML Editor

    Multiple Pages Generator


    How To

    Here you can find a quick How-To list

    Known Issues

    Please visit .

    Find help

    Report a bug

    Found a bug? You can report it at the .


    Here are some frequently asked questions that might help you.


    Import source code to Eclipse

    You can import the source code to a workspace in Eclipse by following the below steps.

    Create / Select a workspace

    File / Import

    / Git / Projects from Git

    / Clone URI

    / Enter Github Repo

    / Select Master Branch

    / Select Destination

    / Import Existing Projects

    / Finish

    Start the wallet from the Eclipse's workspace

    When you have successfully imported Qora to your Eclipse's Workspace you then can start the wallet by following the below steps:


    Run as Java Application


    Compile Qora from source code





    Qora uses a REST API to communicate with the wallet. You can find the entire API documentation here :

    Submit a pull request

    You can submit a pull request to the source code by following the below steps.